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A1C test
Abdominal CT scan
Abdominal MRI scan
Abdominal tap
Abdominal ultrasound
Abdominal wall fat pad biopsy
Abdominal x-ray
Abnormal hemoglobins testing
ACE blood test
Acetylcholine receptor antibody
Acid loading test (pH)
Acid mucopolysaccharides
Acid-fast stain
ACTH blood test
ACTH stimulation test
Acute flaccid myelitis
Aerobic bacteria
Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test
Albumin blood (serum) test
Aldolase blood test
Aldosterone blood test
Allergy testing - skin
ALP - blood test
ALP isoenzyme test
Alpha fetoprotein
Alpha-1 antitrypsin blood test
Ammonia blood test
Amylase - blood
Amylase - urine
Anaerobic bacteria
Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy
Anthrax blood test
Antibody titer blood test
Antidiuretic hormone blood test
Anti-DNase B blood test
Anti-glomerular basement membrane blood test
Anti-insulin antibody test
Antimitochondrial antibody
Antinuclear antibody panel
Antiparietal cell antibody test
Anti-smooth muscle antibody
Antistreptolysin O titer
Antithrombin III blood test
Antithyroglobulin antibody test
Aortic angiography
Apgar score
Apolipoprotein B100
Apolipoprotein CII
Arm CT scan
Arm MRI scan
Arterial stick
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) blood test
Aspergillosis precipitin
Autoimmune liver disease panel
B and T cell screen
BAER - brainstem auditory evoked response
Barium enema
Basic metabolic panel
B-cell leukemia/lymphoma panel
Bernstein test
Beta-carotene blood test
Bile culture
Bilirubin - urine
Bilirubin blood test
Biopsy - biliary tract
Bladder biopsy
Bleeding time
Blood culture
Blood differential test
Blood gases
Blood pressure measurement
Blood smear
Blood sugar test
Blood typing
Bone lesion biopsy
Bone marrow aspiration
Bone marrow biopsy
Bone marrow culture
Bone mineral density test
Bone scan
Bone x-ray
Bowel transit time
Brain natriuretic peptide test
Brain PET scan
Breast biopsy - stereotactic
Breast biopsy - ultrasound
Breast MRI scan
Breast ultrasound
Breath alcohol test
Bronchoscopic culture
Buccal smear
BUN - blood test
C1 esterase inhibitor
CA-125 blood test
Calcitonin blood test
Calcium - ionized
Calcium - urine
Calcium blood test
Caloric stimulation
Campylobacter serology test
Candida auris infection
Capillary nail refill test
Capillary sample
Capsule endoscopy
Cardiac catheterization
Cardiac event monitors
Carotid duplex
Carpal tunnel biopsy
Catecholamine blood test
Catecholamines - urine
CBC blood test
CEA blood test
Cerebral angiography
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture
Ceruloplasmin blood test
Cervical MRI scan
Cervical spine CT scan
Charcot foot
Chest CT
Chest MRI
Chest x-ray
Chloride - urine test
Chloride test - blood
Cholinesterase - blood
Chorionic villus sampling
Chromium - blood test
Citric acid urine test
Clean catch urine sample
CMV blood test
CO2 blood test
Coccidioides complement fixation
Coccidioides precipitin test
Color vision test
Colposcopy - directed biopsy
Complement component 3 (C3)
Complement component 4
Complement fixation test to C burnetii
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Cone biopsy
Coombs test
Cord blood testing
Coronary angiography
Coronary CT Angiography
Cortisol blood test
Cortisol urine test
CPK isoenzymes test
C-reactive protein
Creatine phosphokinase test
Creatinine blood test
Creatinine clearance test
Creatinine urine test
CSD Skin Test
CSF analysis
CSF cell count
CSF coccidioides complement fixation test
CSF glucose test
CSF myelin basic protein
CSF oligoclonal banding
CSF smear
CSF total protein
CT angiography - abdomen and pelvis
CT angiography - arms and legs
CT angiography – chest
CT angiography - head and neck
CT scan
Culture - colonic tissue
Culture - duodenal tissue
Cystometric study
Cytology exam of pleural fluid
Cytology exam of urine
D-dimer test
Delta-ALA urine test
Dental plaque identification at home
Dental x-rays
Dexamethasone suppression test
DHEA-sulfate test
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Digital rectal exam
Digoxin test
Disk replacement - lumbar spine
Donath-Landsteiner test
Doppler ultrasound exam of an arm or leg
Dry mouth
Duplex ultrasound
D-xylose absorption
Ear drainage culture
Ear examination
Echocardiogram - children
EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Electrolytes - urine
ELISA blood test
Endocervical culture
Endocervical Gram stain
Endometrial biopsy
Endoscopic ultrasound
Endotracheal intubation
Eosinophil count - absolute
Eosinophilic esophagitis
Epstein-Barr virus antibody test
Eruptive xanthomatosis
Erythropoietin test
Esophageal culture
Esophageal manometry
Esophageal pH monitoring
Estradiol blood test
Ethylene glycol blood test
Euglobulin Lysis Time
Exercise stress test
Extraocular muscle function testing
Extremity angiography
Extremity x-ray
Eye and orbit ultrasound
Factor II (prothrombin) assay
Factor IX assay
Factor V assay
Factor VII assay
Factor VIII assay
Factor X assay
Factor XII assay
Febrile (warm) and cold agglutinins
Fecal culture
Fecal fat
Fecal smear
Ferritin blood test
Fetal echocardiography
Fetal scalp pH testing
Fetal-maternal erythrocyte distribution blood test
Fibrin degradation products blood test
Fibrinogen blood test
Fibrinopeptide A blood test
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid
Fluorescein angiography
Fluorescein eye stain
Flushable reagent stool blood test
Folic acid - test
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) blood test
Foot drop
Foreign object - inhaled
Fractional excretion of sodium
Free T4 test
FTA-ABS blood test
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase blood test
Gallbladder radionuclide scan
Gallium scan
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) blood test
Gastric culture
Gastric suction
Gastric tissue biopsy and culture
Gastrin blood test
Glomerular filtration rate
Glucagon blood test
Glucose tolerance test - non-pregnant
Glucose urine test
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase test
Gram stain
Gram stain of skin lesion
Gram stain of tissue biopsy
Gram stain of urethral discharge
Growth hormone stimulation test
Growth hormone suppression test
Growth hormone test
Gum biopsy
Ham test
Hand x-ray
Haptoglobin blood test
HCG blood test - qualitative
HCG blood test - quantitative
HCG in urine
HDL test
Head CT scan
Head MRI
Heart CT scan
Heart MRI
Heart PET scan
Helicobacter pylori infection
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Hemoglobinuria test
Hepatitis virus panel
Herpes viral culture of lesion
His bundle electrography
Histocompatibility antigen test
Histoplasma complement fixation
Histoplasma skin test
HLA-B27 antigen
Holter monitor (24h)
Home vision tests
Hormone levels
HPV test
Immunoelectrophoresis – blood
Immunoelectrophoresis - urine
Immunofixation - urine
Immunofixation blood test
Indium-labelled WBC scan
Insulin C-peptide test
Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
Intracranial pressure monitoring
Intravenous pyelogram
Joint fluid culture
Joint fluid Gram stain
Joint x-ray
Ketones blood test
Ketones urine test
Kidney biopsy
Kidney function tests
Knee CT scan
Knee MRI scan
Lactate dehydrogenase test
Lactic acid test
Lactose tolerance tests
Laryngoscopy and nasolaryngoscopy
Latex agglutination test
LDH isoenzyme blood test
LDL test
Lead levels - blood
Left heart catheterization
Left heart ventricular angiography
Leg CT scan
Leg MRI scan
Lepromin skin test
Leucine aminopeptidase - urine
Leucine aminopeptidase blood test
Leukocyte esterase urine test
LH response to GnRH blood test
Limb plethysmography
Lipase test
Lipid profile test
Liver biopsy
Liver function tests
Liver scan
Lumbar MRI scan
Lumbar spine CT scan
Lumbosacral spine CT
Lumbosacral spine x-ray
Lung diffusion testing
Lung gallium scan
Lung needle biopsy
Lung PET scan
Lung plethysmography
Luteinizing hormone (LH) blood test
Lyme disease blood test
Lymph node biopsy
Lymph node culture
Magnesium blood test
Magnetic resonance angiography
Mediastinoscopy with biopsy
Mental status testing
Mesenteric angiography
Methanol test
Methylene blue test
Methylmalonic acid blood test
Methylmercury poisoning
MIBG scintiscan
Microalbuminuria test
Midline venous catheters - infants
Mononucleosis spot test
Muscle biopsy
Mycobacterial culture
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Myocardial biopsy
Myoglobin blood test
Myoglobin urine test
Nasal endoscopy
Nasal mucosal biopsy
Nasopharyngeal culture
Neck x-ray
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening test
Nerve biopsy
Nerve conduction velocity
Newborn screening tests
Nitroblue tetrazolium blood test
Nuchal translucency test
Nuclear stress test
Nuclear ventriculography
Open lung biopsy
Open pleural biopsy
Oral human papillomavirus infection
Orbit CT scan
Oropharynx lesion biopsy
Osmolality blood test
Osmolality urine test
Osmotic fragility test
Ovulation home test
Pap test
Parathyroid Biopsy
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) blood test
Parathyroid hormone-related protein blood test
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
PBG urine test
Pelvic CT scan
Pelvic ultrasound - abdominal
Pelvis MRI scan
Pelvis x-ray
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram
Pericardial fluid culture
Pericardial fluid Gram stain
Peritoneal fluid analysis
Peritoneal fluid culture
PET scan
PET scan for breast cancer
PET-CT Scanning
Phosphorus blood test
Pinworm test
Plasma amino acids
Platelet aggregation test
Platelet antibodies blood test
Platelet count
Pleural fluid analysis
Pleural fluid culture
Pleural fluid Gram stain
Pleural fluid smear
Pleural needle biopsy
Polyp biopsy
Porphyrins blood test
Porphyrins urine test
Potassium test
Potassium urine test
PPD skin test
Pregnancy test
Prolactin blood test
Protein C blood test
Protein electrophoresis - serum
Protein S blood test
Prothrombin time (PT)
Pulmonary angiography
Pulmonary function tests
Pulmonary ventilation/perfusion scan
Pyruvate kinase blood test
Quadruple screen test
Quantitative Bence-Jones protein test
Quantitative immunoglobulins
Quantitative nephelometry test
Radioactive iodine uptake
Radionuclide cisternogram
Radionuclide cystogram
RBC count
RBC indices
RBC nuclear scan
RBC urine test
Recombinant zoster (shingles) vaccine, RZV - what you need to know
Rectal biopsy
Rectal bleeding
Rectal culture
Renal arteriography
Renal perfusion scintiscan
Renal scan
Renal venogram
Renin blood test
Reticulocyte count
Retrograde cystography
Rheumatoid factor (RF)
Right heart ventricular angiography
Rotavirus antigen test
RPR test
RSV antibody test
Salivary gland biopsy
Schilling test
Schirmer test
Scleredema diabeticorum
Screening and diagnosis for HIV
Scrotal ultrasound
Secretin stimulation test
Semen analysis
Sensitivity analysis
Serology for brucellosis
Serotonin blood test
Serum free hemoglobin test
Serum herpes simplex antibodies
Serum iron test
Serum phenylalanine screening
Serum progesterone
Shoulder CT scan
Shoulder MRI scan
Sickle cell test
Sinus CT scan
Sinus MRI scan
Sinus x-ray
Skin lesion aspiration
Skin lesion biopsy
Skin lesion KOH exam
Skin or nail culture
Skull x-ray
Slipping rib syndrome
Slit-lamp exam
Small bowel tissue smear/biopsy
Small intestine aspirate and culture
Smear of duodenal fluid aspirate
Sodium blood test
Sodium urine test
Sputum culture
Sputum direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test
Sputum fungal smear
Sputum Gram stain
Sputum stain for mycobacteria
Standard eye exam
Stomach acid test
Stool C difficile toxin
Stool Gram stain
Stool guaiac test
Stool ova and parasites exam
Streptococcal screen
Stress echocardiography
String test for intestinal parasites
Sugar-water hemolysis test
Swan-Ganz - right heart catheterization
Sweat electrolytes test
Synovial biopsy
Synovial fluid analysis
T3 test
T3RU test
TBG blood test
T-cell count
Temperature measurement
Tensilon test
Testicular biopsy
Testicular self-exam
Tests for H pylori
Therapeutic drug levels
Thoracic spine CT scan
Thoracic spine x-ray
Throat swab culture
Thyroid function tests
Thyroid peroxidase antibody
Thyroid scan
Thyroid ultrasound
Tongue biopsy
TORCH screen
Total cholesterol
Total iron binding capacity
Total protein
Toxicology screen
Toxoplasma blood test
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
Transvaginal ultrasound
Transverse myelitis
Triglyceride level
Troponin test
Trypsin and chymotrypsin in stool
Trypsinogen test
TSH test
TSI test
Tularemia blood test
Ultrasound pregnancy
Upper airway biopsy
Upper GI and small bowel series
Urea nitrogen urine test
Ureteral retrograde brush biopsy
Urethral discharge culture
Uric acid - blood
Uric acid urine test
Urinary casts
Urine 24-hour volume
Urine chemistry
Urine collection - infants
Urine concentration test
Urine culture
Urine culture - catheterized specimen
Urine drug screen
Urine melanin test
Urine pH test
Urine protein dipstick test
Urine protein electrophoresis test
Urine specific gravity test
Vaginitis test - wet mount
Vasoactive intestinal peptide test
VDRL test
Venogram - leg
Virtual colonoscopy
Visual acuity test
Visual field
Vitamin A blood test
Vitamin B12 level
VLDL test
Voiding cystourethrogram
WBC count
Wood lamp examination
X-ray - skeleton
17-hydroxycorticosteroids urine test
17-Ketosteroids urine test
17-OH progesterone
24-hour urinary aldosterone excretion test
24-hour urine copper test
24-hour urine protein
25-hydroxy vitamin D test
5-HIAA urine test